The boys each ran track for the first time. The ran relays, 100M, 400M and 800M. They seemed to enjoy it and it was fun watching them run and cheer them on.
Toward the end of May the rain seemed to begin and is still occurring. We have had so much flooding. Our road towards the north by the river always floods with heavy rain but one day it flooded to the south! Most of the roads were flooded and as a result the kids who were stuck in town as the buses couldn't move anywhere . Ted managed to pick them up after work but it took him and the kids over an hour to find a way home! Fortunately the north section hadn't flooded yet or they would have been kept away from home!
The north section that normally floods
Emily had a field trip to a Horse Camp and now really wants a horse....or stay with Aunt Karen for a while!
My parents visited all of us kids and stayed with us a few days. The boys are always thrilled to see how much taller they are than my mom. My Dad built several new bird houses and brought them with so we can have happy birds now!
My parents