Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Family Time

This weekend we gathered for the annual White reunion...a total of 35 of us were in attendance. All attended except my niece MaryBeth and her husband and daughter. My oldest brother Scott and his wife Jenny have been gracious enough to host this event ever since Mom and Dad sold the farm in Indiana. We have a blast at Scott's place. He built his house on land that contains an old strip mine lake. The water is deep, clear and very clean. It is a lake but seems different that most lakes. The kids look forward to this every year as they swim, fish, eat, swim, fish, eat, etc! This year my brother added a super high dive which Mason was brave enough to go off. Logan stuck to the regular high dive which is high enough! Logan mastered doing back flips off the swing. He is one determined guy but Scott coached him through it. It is a great time to catch up with my siblings and to see our parents. It has been a while to see my dad so this year was extra special as he ventured north of the Mason-Dixon line. The kids were excited to see my mom and if they were taller than her. Of course my mom is shorter than me so it doesn't take much. Sorry mom:) My brother Jerry from Wisconsin decided at the last minute to come so he showed up Saturday afternoon. It has been several years since we have seen them so it was great to catch up and see how his children have grown. My niece Erica and her husband Harold had a beautiful baby in May so we all got to meet Conrad and of course fight over who's turn it was to hold him. Ted keeps telling me we are not having a baby, but oh are they cute!
Jessica and Emily
My wonderful sisters...Karen and Caroline

My brother Scott with his grandson Conrad
Meghan and Allyson...two of my nieces
Emily helping her cousin Meghan with a worm
Logan doing his backflip
Fishing time
Just floating around
My brother who built the super high dive is yet to try it out...a little nervous I think
My mom with Conrad
Scott with his helicopter kit

Monday, June 29, 2009

Just a housewife...without pay

Since we have been back we have realized how much the kids have grown and how capable they are around the house, especially the boys! Mason and Logan really helped working in the flower beds as we had to replace several bushes over the winter that died. They really were useful with the shovel. Mason even learned how to work the rototiller which is great! They have also taken over the lawn mowing. When we were in India we paid the neighbor boys to mow our lawn for us. Since the boys were mowing they asked about being paid an allowance. This is a difficult subject for us as we don't really feel an allowance is the route we want to go as we feel the kids are part of this household and together we make it run. Together we do the work and don't expect to get paid for it. Ted though remember he got paid a flat rate to mow the yard as child and it really helped him manage money and appreciate the end result of hard work. So we have decided to pay the kids per mowing. We have divided the yard into 2 sections and they each are responsible for keeping it mowed and are expected to do it nicely and no more than once a week as they are getting paid per mowing! We could see them mowing 3 times a week to earn some more cash! The boys were quite proud to earn their first dollars. Then Logan had to mention that now he made more money than me! After all I am just a housewife...without pay!

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Back "home"

We have been back from India for almost 2 weeks now. I am really having some strange emotions, ones I never dreamed I would have before we left for India! I truly went kicking and screaming. I was convinced I would absolutely be miserable in India and would either die from a cobra attack or some third world disease. But obviously none of what I predicted happened, thankfully. The time we had there went very quickly due to the fact that we really enjoyed it there. There were days when we would utter TII...This is India, and just move on with the frustrations of living in Chennai. Sure there were lots of downsides with living in Chennai but fortunately we made great friends that we could laugh off our frustrations! I am happy to be back but it is a weird feeling. We were gone for 18 months and things have changed. Our town looks different, now we have 2 gas stations and 2 ice cream shops. People change, kids grow and there are some new people in town. I feel like I was never gone some days but yet things are different than when I left. I love being able to walk outside in my pj's and not have a guard look at me. I love being able to drive myself to the grocery store. But on the flip side I certainly spend a lot more money in the store, have to park the van AND remember where I parked it, carry my groceries in and unload them. But at least I know when I go to the store I can by lettuce and I don't have to hold my nose while shopping for meat. I am a bit overwhelmed when I go to the grocery store. How many choices of cereal do we possibly need?? I love being able to buy fresh cows milk...yum...and cheese....yum!

The kids are adjusting well to being back. Mason especially has picked up with his friends right where he left off. Logan and Emily as well are enjoying visiting with their friends as well. They are all happy to be back! Logan was pleased to celebrate his 11th birthday in the US!

Making a wish
Emily attended Vacation Bible School this week and had a blast with her friends and learning new songs. They performed at our Princeville Heritage Days in between storms this weekend. The kids each had tickets to ride on the carnival rides.

Emily is on the far right with pigtails
The pets, Cleo the cat and Millie the dog, are adjusting to being in the USA. Cleo who we adopted in India is one lucky cat! They are both learning the layout of the property and can often be seen heading into the timber. Millie was very funny when we pulled into our house. We parked in the drive and let her out. She ran around a few times, pottied and then hopped back in as to say okay, let's go back! We just recently added to our family buy getting another golden retriever who is actually Millie's neice. Green's Spectacular Sydney joined our family last Sunday evening. She is an adorable pup, but then aren't all pups adorable? She is a fluffy little fur ball who has won the hearts of everyone but Cleo who is still petrified of her. If Sydney turns out to be half as good as Millie will be thrilled. But so far she seems like a great pup. I just forgot how much work pups were.
Millie and Sydney playing tug o war
Isn't she cute??
We were able to pick Sydney up on the way back from visiting Ted's parents in Indiana last weekend. While there we were able to see two new nieces and take a ride on Bill's boat. It was a quick trip but always good to see family.
Emily and Greer
Emily holding her cousin Cole's hand
Bill's driving skills were truly a "hair raising experience!"
Logan and Mason tubing