Sunday, December 13, 2009

One in a billion

Another chicken blog, sorry about that. Seems like it is all I write about! But this one is really cool! Often when hens begin to lay it is very common for two yolks to be in one shell. They are normally found in quite large eggs. Today I was fixing Logan an egg for breakfast. Of course he found the largest egg I had and I cracked it in the pan and was amazed. It had not one or two yolks but THREE! I of course grabbed the camera and called everyone to see this amazing egg. I must admit I was the only one truly thrilled. Mason thinks I am crazy by this point! Emily then chose the second largest egg only to be disappointed when it had only one yolk. I looked up triple yolk on the internet and found that the odds are one in a billion. But with all the eggs produced daily maybe that isn't such a huge thing after all. I found another really unusual thing that can happen that did happen a few weeks ago, a yolkless egg. Guess those would be handy when making angel food cakes!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Awesome! You are one in a billion! Keep up the egg blogs! 0-1-2-3 next is 4 What are the odds?

What kind of chickens are you raising and where do you live????