Monday, October 3, 2011

New and improved

This summer we did a lot of work...and other people did a lot of work at our house. It began in the spring with the chicken coop rebuild. What started out as a fairly simple project ended up being more difficult and more involved than we hoped. But the end project turned out awesome. The chickens are very happy with their remodel.

The second project was the back patio. It needed a ton of work. When we built we put in a railroad tie wall because it was cheap and served the purpose. Unfortunately it stopped serving it's purpose a few years ago but we waited until this summer to have it redone. We had Phil Perkins, a local builder, do this project for us. I have to say our back yard is a beautiful place now! The blocks look beautiful and the steps are no longer a death trap. The landscaping was grueling, involving removing lots of sod, but fortunately we have some strong boys. By mid summer they were wishing school was in session so they could have a break from work.


Then the final project was the addition of a front porch. For this work we hired our builder, Dan Heinz to do this job. The porch was something Ted envisioned, and I have to admit I didn't care one way or another. I liked our house without it and was worried I wouldn't like it with. Boy was I wrong. Our house looks so much for inviting with it, plus the porch adds some great outdoor space. We all use it, it is not uncommon to find even one of the kids out there reading or just relaxing. And of course the outdoor cat loves sitting on the rocking chair. With the new porch came a new sidewalk and landscaping. The old sidewalk was a terrible shape. The men who poured it showed up one day when Emily was just a few weeks old. I told them how we wanted it but they didn't listen and did it the fastest way they could. Yes it worked but it was really ugly! With the new sidewalk came new landscaping. This was probably my favorite part of the summer! I loved planting all the stuff. Found a great nursery in Chillicothe called the Picket Fence which had a great sale when I was ready to buy. Of course the landscaping involved the front of the house but then migrated around to the side and the back as well! I have never loved our house more. The flowers beds are beautiful, the porch is relaxing the back patio so peaceful. I am anxious for spring already to see everything back in bloom!

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